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Mechanism to destroy competition: All who stand in the way of Šolak's excess profits become victims of this mechanism!

Mechanism to destroy competition: All who stand in the way of Šolak's excess profits become victims of this mechanism!

Kurir 15.11.2021
A network of connected politicians, instrumentalized media, and non-governmental organizations was set up to remove any competitor to Šolak's companies and obstacle to them making excess profits. The case of the letter in which a group of US congressmen… »
Šolak wants to get hundreds of millions of dollars from Serbia: Losing to Telekom, he calls albanian lobbyists to the rescue

Šolak wants to get hundreds of millions of dollars from Serbia: Losing to Telekom, he calls albanian lobbyists to the rescue

Kurir 15.11.2021
The Executive Director of the Centre for Responsible Media Marko Matić thinks that a fight for United Group's interests is what is behind the US congressmen's letter to President Joseph Biden, and that it is yet another instance of the operation of a… »

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