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The most beautiful news of the day in serbia: Little Petra beat cancer!

The most beautiful news of the day in serbia: Little Petra beat cancer!

Telegraf 02.06.2016
Whenever I looked I saw her young body fighting. That was a sign I can not give up, despond and I have to believe my child will be alright - said Jelena, mother of Petra Petrovic (4) from Vladicin han who beat cancer. Four year old Petra Petrovic from… »
The biggest tent settlement in Serbia: They call it "Little Idomeni", more and more migrants are here!

The biggest tent settlement in Serbia: They call it "Little Idomeni", more and more migrants are here!

Telegraf 02.06.2016
According to the data from UNHCR, on the road through Serbia is more that 1.400 migrants which are going from Belgrade to north, towards Hungary, with a bus or illegal transport. Even though the Balkans route for the passage of migrants have been closed… »
What a surprise for the favorite professor! Students delighted Ilija Kovacevic before retirement

What a surprise for the favorite professor! Students delighted Ilija Kovacevic before retirement

Telegraf 02.06.2016
On his last lecture in this college before retirement, students brought a present to say goodbye with their favorite professor. There are not many professors who can say that students loved and respected him at the end of their career, and that they… »
Is this the serb with biggest mustaches? Zoran from Nis is prepared to compete with anyone! (photo)

Is this the serb with biggest mustaches? Zoran from Nis is prepared to compete with anyone! (photo)

Telegraf 02.06.2016
Zoran Lazarevic has 120 centimeters long mustaches, and has been growing them for 12 years. Zoran Lazarevic from Nis (67) gained fame thanks to his unordinary looks, especially among women, not only in Serbia but also in Austria where he had been working… »

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