“We are the fastest in Europe, average salaries can reach eur 1,000”

BizLife 14.02.2022  |  Nova.rs, FoNet, Direktno
“We are the fastest in Europe, average salaries can reach eur 1,000”

Commenting on the economic situation in the country, Vucic, as a guest on Pink TV, said that in the last two years, since the beginning of the coronavirus epidemic, Serbia has made the fastest economic progress in entire Europe. “Doctors and nurses from Germany are returning to us for the first time.

They want to return to their country. We have a problem with utility workers and we have to find a way to bring them back to Serbia. By the end of the next government’s term, the average salary will be 1,000 euros, and the pension 500 euros. That is achievable, if there are no external problems and if there are no major disruptions at the global level,” he said. The president of Serbia said that the state lacked plumbers, drivers, mechanics… Referring to the state

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