Mitrovic wants another national frequency

BizLife 20.06.2022  |  Nova
Mitrovic wants another national frequency

The owner of Pink TV, Zeljko Mitrovic, has submitted the necessary documentation to the Regulatory Authority for Electronic Media (REM) for obtaining a national license (better known as a national frequency) for another television channel – the cable channel “Vesti”, which was launched in 2013 – originally named “Pink 3”.

He said the television channel would have 70 percent of the news program, but also educational, cultural, fiction and scientific documentary content. “We submitted this study, so we will see,” Mitrovic said, as reports. TV duel Mitrovic – Manojlovic Namely, a petition by the “Kreni-promeni” team has been spreading on social networks for the abolition of the national frequency for Pink TV and Happy TV due to the broadcast of the reality TV program. This

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