Belgrade Mayor Aleksandar Šapić for Kurir: 'We will set up a unique city phone line for all Belgrade citizens' needs!'

Kurir 04.07.2022
Belgrade Mayor Aleksandar Šapić for Kurir: 'We will set up a unique city phone line for all Belgrade citizens' needs!'

"To begin with, our top priority for the city will be to get all the city utilities and PEs ready for the coming fall and winter.

We need to make sure our houses and apartments are warm, as well as our preschools and schools. The public transport must work, and the communal domain must be maintained in good order. With the help of the government, we must provide enough energy sources, so that we weather the winter with as little damage as possible," Belgrade Mayor Aleksandar Šapić said in his interview with Kurir. As he pointed out, we are going though one of the toughest times in modern

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