Russians used to being blamed for everything – Russian Culture Centre Director for Kurir: They thought Russia would sink but...

Kurir 04.07.2022
Russians used to being blamed for everything – Russian Culture Centre Director for Kurir: They thought Russia would sink…

"I thought that my reporting and the reporting of my colleagues from Yugoslavia during the 1990s would help the people of Russia and Ukraine understand that the West was preparing the same fate for them as well, that they would follow the same plan there, but we failed.

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine is a great tragedy. I hope the war will end soon, but the consequences will be felt for years to come," Evgeny Baranov, Director of the Russian Science and Culture Centre in Belgrade, said in his interview with Kurir. Baranov worked for many years as a journalist at numerous Moscow-based television stations and reported from Yugoslavia during the 1999 bombing. He is well-known for his many stories from Kosovo – ranging from

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