MK Group and AIK Bank donate eur 100,000 for expectant mothers

BizLife 20.10.2022  |  BIZlife
MK Group and AIK Bank donate eur 100,000 for expectant mothers

Within the regional project “Family Support”, MK Group and AIK Bank have made a donation worth 100,000 euros to the Gynecology and Obstetrics Hospital “Dr.

Dragisa Misovic” of the Clinical Hospital Center (KBC). The donation was used to purchase a state-of-the-art laparoscopic column, which will be used in various gynecological procedures. It will have a special application in the treatment of sterility, so that women who come from all over Serbia to KBC “Dr. Dragisa Misovic” could fulfill their role as mothers. “This is not the first time we have received a big donation from MK Group and AIK Bank. Just two years ago,

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