Dušan won heart of beautiful Telma in Alaska, then brought her to registrar in Vlasotince

Kurir 31.07.2024
Dušan won heart of beautiful Telma in Alaska, then brought her to registrar in Vlasotince

By Aleksandra Kocić Dušan Stojičić (27) from Vlasotince and the dark-skinned Telma Tinodaishe Machingauta, now Stojičić, (27) from England started their relationship a little over two years ago on a cruise ship, and now they are married in Vlasotince and want to start a family.

In this small community, they are unique. There isn't a person who doesn't turn their head to look at them, and Dušan believes that fate brought them together. “It all started a little over two years ago on a cruise ship. We were in Alaska. I worked as a fitness instructor in the spa centre, while she is a spa therapist by profession. As we got to know each other, we gradually grew closer. I felt something at first sight; I believed it could and should work. We

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