Brothers died on the same day, buried side by side!
Telegraf 15.04.2016 | / source: avaz.

- I was notified on 6. April that my father is in hospital in Gradač, later my husband came and gave his condolences. We called the people from funeral service, organized the funeral and when we were finished, i got a call that my uncle Sejfudin died - said Mustafa's daughter Larisa
Mustafa (78) and Sejfudin Avdić (84), brothers from Gradačac in Bosnia and Herzegovina, died on the same day, on 6. April, in at an interval of 2 hours. They were made joined obituary, they were buried side by side. Mustafa’s daughter Larisa Avdić-Tirić said that her father survived a heart attack, and her uncle was sick with cancer. WE LIVE SURROUNDED BY THE DEAD! A terrible secret from a village in southern Serbia! - A week before the