Famous serbian doctor claims: Storage of stem cells is unnecessary waste of money!

Telegraf 23.05.2016  |  Telegraf.co.uk / source: Beta
Famous serbian doctor claims: Storage of stem cells is unnecessary waste of money!

She says that there are over 20 million potential donors around the world, so the possibility to find an adequate donor for 20.000 transplantation a year is greater than 90 %

Doctor Nadezda Basara, manager of Internal Clinic “Maltese Knights” in Flensburg, in Germany, claims that it is not necessary to store stem cells from the umbilical cord for transplantation in the case of big disease. SERBIA THE CENTER OF EUROPE: Congress of micro surgeons in 2018. in Belgrade - Storage of stem cells from the umbilical cords of babies is unnecessary waste of money – said Basara for the interview for Podgorica’s “Pobeda” and

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