Warlick Meets with Vucic, Dacic on Energy
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of Energy Resources Mary Warlick met in Belgrade with Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic and Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic to discuss the question of energy.
A statement from the Serbian government said that Vucic and Warlick met to discuss the need to use different energy resources for the purpose of ensuring the security of supplies in Serbia.
In a discussion with Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic, the two officials looked at security in Serbia and the Western Balkans, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Serbia stated.
Warlick conveyed to Dacic the U.S.' support for diversifying sources of natural gas and other fuels which was deemed important for the long-lasting stability of all countries in the region.
During the meeting with the U.S ambassador to Belgrade, Dacic stressed that for Serbia, as well as the region, the question of energy security was an important economic, foreign political, and security question as well.
He stressed that Serbia was striving to secure long-term, stable supplies of fuel and expressed Serbia's readiness to participate in projects that would in the future secure this, the statement said.
(Beta, 07.09.2016)