Steven E. Meyer: Where is the Leadership in the Balkans?

Nedeljnik 12.07.2017  |  By Steven E. Meyer, former CIA
Steven E. Meyer: Where is the Leadership in the Balkans?

Sustained violence has not returned - at least for now, but ethnic rivalry, hatred and antagonism continue to plague the region and violence smolders just beneath the surface. Ethnicity is the great stumbling block to progress in the Balkans. This is an issue that the West - primarily the U.S. and Western Europe - never fully understood

Potentially dangerous problems currently are mounting in the Balkans more than any time since the end of the Kosovo war in 1999. But, while the region drifts aimlessly from one danger to another, real leadership in the Balkans is difficult to find. There are five major areas of difficulty and instability. First, the Kosovo issue is stagnant. Under the Brussels process there have been some small technical agreements and some possible progress on

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