The parents left him in Belgrade because he is sick... They wished he were dead. Now, he returns to his homeland, and he still says that his mother is wonderful

Telegraf 26.03.2019
The parents left him in Belgrade because he is sick... They wished he were dead. Now, he returns to his homeland, and he still…

Homayoun (26) has only the words of praise for his mother, and he doesn't want to see him anymore

Every time he saw me, this young man would cordially greet me, he would smile and move his head to the side. And he didn't know what's my name, nor who I was. He doesn't speak Serbian, nor English. He just knows that I am a part of some good team, a team which will finally help him to leave the hell his parents threw him in. Djordje is just 16 and the entire family depends on him: He takes care of the sick father, sister, home, because he lost

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