Coliver: Assange Shouldn’t Stand Trial in the United States; Snowden is a Hero

Cenzolovka 09.07.2019  |  Marija Šajkaš
Coliver: Assange Shouldn’t Stand Trial in the United States; Snowden is a Hero

Both Julian Assange and Edward Snowden represent challenges for the U.S. system that guarantees freedom of expression. We asked Sandra Coliver, a world-renowned expert for freedom of media and expression, how this all may play out.

Photo: & gruntzooki Cenzolovka: Recently, a protest was held in Serbia in support of Julian Assange. From the freedom of speech perspective, would you consider him to be a hero or a villain? Coliver: There were different types of leaks that Assange got from Chelsea Manning and published. Some were of very high public interest. These included leaked information about the war in Afghanistan suggesting that American and British troops had committed war

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