Comtrade donates 16 notebooks to Medical High School in Serb enclave Gracanica in Kosovo (photo)

Telegraf 21.08.2019
Comtrade donates 16 notebooks to Medical High School in Serb enclave Gracanica in Kosovo (photo)

These computers will be of great help in digitizing the work of the school - introducing electronic class registers, electronic enrollment, digital classrooms, and unified informational system of education

Supporting the initiative of government's IT and E-government Office, Comtrade has donated 16 notebooks to the Gracanica Medical High School. This company is creating with great care favorable conditions for the development of the IT sector domestically, as well as throughout the region. The donated computers will allow the medical school to digitize its work (e-class registers, e-enrollment, unified informational system of education, digital classrooms), which

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