VAU: Seksi plavušan koji je osvojio Samantu u seriji "Seks i grad!"danas izgleda drugačije
Prva 30.01.2020 | srbijadanas

Svi koji su pratili seriju "Seksi i grad", sećaju se i prelepog plavokosog mladića koji je tumačio lik Smita Džeroda, zbog kojeg se Samanta Džouns umalo nije odrekla drugih muškaraca.
Glumac Džejson Levis danas ima 48 godina i izgleda potpuno drugačije. A truly one of a kind experience feeding, hiking, and bathing with beautiful, gentle giants. A huge thank you to @elephantnaturepark, our tour guide Ken, and Johnathan and his family who own the elephants for allowing us such a unique experience. For those who are unaware, elephant tourism (riding and exploitation of elephants), as well as elephant labor, are still very much so present throughout