Selo na dnu jezera: Mesto koje su Italijani potopili uskoro bi moglo da izroni?
Prva 18.06.2020

Nije Atlantida, ali potopljeno italijansko mestašce Fabrike di Kaređine i te kako izaziva znatiželju. Izgubljeno selo u toskanskom jezeru Vali još uvek može da se vidi s kopna kad se voda spusti. Lago di Vali je veštačko jezero nastalo 1953. godine kada se poplavila toskanska dolina u kojoj se nalazilo naselje.
The ruins that you see are the village of "Fabbriche di Careggine", an Italian village that flooded in the 1940s and that might resurface again. The village of Fabbriche di Careggine (in English, Careggine Factories), located in the province of Lucca in Tuscany, is a 13th-century town that was abandoned in 1947. Due to the construction of a dam on the Edron river in that year, the nearby man-made Lake Vagli was flooded, and all the residents had to leave to nearby