Pobio ćerke jer im momci nisu bili muslimani!
Alo 27.08.2020 | Alo.rs/Tanjug/N.A.
Jedan od najtraženijih begunaca na listi američkog FBI-ja, Jaser Abdel Said, uhapšen je, piše CNN
On je na listu FBI-ja stavljen u decembru 2014. godine zbog ubistva svoje dve kćerke - 18-godišnje Amine i 17-godišnje Sare, 2008. godine. BREAKING TONIGHT: The Egyptian-born cab driver accused in the 2008 “honor killing” of his 2 daughters has been arrested in Texas. Yaser Abdel Said reportedly murdered his own girls because they were dating non-Muslim boys. ➡️ https://t.co/bpkkZc0zpr pic.twitter.com/J6qifwh6wB — Breaking911 (@Breaking911) August 27, 2020 BREAKING