“Serbia lost a city the size of Sabac in 2020”
BizLife 28.01.2021 | BIZLife/Prva TV

The Minister of Family Care and Demography stated that in 2020, Serbia lost just as many inhabitants as the City of Sabac. “Last year, Serbia lost a city the size of Sabac, which has almost 54,000 inhabitants.
Tendencies from January to October showed that the number could be 44,000, but by the end of the year it had increased to almost 54,000,” Dmitrovic stated with Prva TV station. Dmitrovic said that the number of children born per woman slightly increased to 1.52, but that there are plenty of elderly citizens in Serbia. He said that state has introduced many measures that give some results, but also reiterated that the population must be empowered to stay in the