Hamas ispalio 3.100 raketa: 439 palo u Gazu na civile
Večernje novosti 16.05.2021 | Novosti online

Foto: Tanjug/AP Prema izvorima IDF od 2.968 raketa čak 439 je palo unutar pojasa Gaze, odnosno oko 15 odsto od lansiranih.
Oboreno je 1210. Kao posledica neuspelog lansiranja poginulo je 20 Palestinaca. Hamas and PIJ have fired 2968 rockets at Israel in the past week. 439 of those rockets misfired and crashed into Gaza, causing around 20 Palestinian casualties. That's 15% of their launches. Think of it this way: About 1 in 7 rockets that Hamas fires—it fires at its own people. — Israel Defense Forces (@IDF) May 16, 2021 Do ovog trenutka lansirano Hamas i Islamski džihad su ispalili