Russians confirmed the quality of the vaccine produced at Torlak

BizLife 20.05.2021  |  N1, FoNet
Russians confirmed the quality of the vaccine produced at Torlak

Serbia will thus become the first country in Europe to produce the “Sputnik V” vaccine, it was announced at the meeting held in Moscow by Popovic and the Director of Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Alexander Gintsburg.

The Gamaleya Institute has confirmed that the vaccines produced at Torlak meet the prescribed standards of quality. Today, we received that confirmation from our Russian partners, and we received approval to proceed with the production, said Popovic. He pointed out that in the next two weeks he expects a significant amount of the substance for the production of both components of the “Sputnik V” vaccine to arrive in Serbia from Russia. Izvor: N1, FoNet Foto: Vlada

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