How šolak became the richest serb: The purchase of Direct Media and the suspect bank accounts in Mauritius

Kurir 19.02.2022
How šolak became the richest serb: The purchase of Direct Media and the suspect bank accounts in Mauritius

In a special series, Kurir reveals how exactly this controversial billionaire fulfilled his 'American dream' in the murky waters of the Balkan transition

According to official information, Direct Media was founded in April 2001 by Mlađan Đorđević, Egon Franičević, and Milan Krstić. In 2004, Dragan Đilas purchased it for USD 10,000 through a company of his called Multikom Group. In an interview with the KRIK portal, Đilas revealed that he had been the actual owner of the company from the get-go, but he did not wish to have the company officially registered in his name. Empire built on fraud "Back then, we were trying

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