First post-election Vucic: Terribly angry about reserves, Serbia can be blackmailed

BizLife 08.04.2022  |  RTS
First post-election Vucic: Terribly angry about reserves, Serbia can be blackmailed

President Aleksandar Vucic has said that Serbia is in an impossible position because it suffers pressures from all sides, but that it is still holding up and protecting itself.

We are militarily but not politically neutral country, we are on the European path, the president told RTS TV, in the first post-election interview. In relation to the voting at the UN General Assembly, he stated that our initial decision was to abstain, but that in that case we would have been put under a lot of pressure from both sides. He explained that the EU had postponed the decision on the import of petroleum for 6 p.m., to see how Serbia voted on the

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