Telo Navaljnog predato njegovoj majci
Danas 24.02.2024 | Beta-AFP

Telo Alekseja Navaljnog, umrlog u ruskom zatvoru, koje su njegovi rođaci tražili od vlasti Rusije više od nedelju dana, predati je njegovoj majci.
To je danas objavio tim tog ruskog opozicionara. „Aleksejevo telo je predato njegovoj majci“, napisala je Kira Jarmič na platformi „X“. Alexey's body was handed over to his mother. Many thanks to all those who demanded this with us. Lyudmila Ivanovna is still in Salekhard. The funeral is still pending. We do not know if the authorities will interfere to carry it out as the family wants and as Alexey deserves. We… — Кира Ярмыш (@Kira_Yarmysh) February 24, 2024