30 wasted years

Peščanik 26.03.2024  |  Dragan Markovina
30 wasted years

It has been thirty years since the closing of the Heliodrome detention camp in Mostar, and I – which is seldom the case – simply don’t know what to coherently, let alone optimistically, write on the occasion of this anniversary, which in a better world would represent the starting point of a new life and the overcoming of trauma.

A new life has definitely come to Mostar. If nothing else, this happened merely with the passage of time and significant changes in the population, in a city where the people and families who lived there before the war are no longer the majority, and are in fact very far from that percentage. However, the traumas have not been overcome, and no one – neither politically, psychologically, nor in terms of building a culture of remembrance – is working to overcome

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