Povezane vesti
It was snowing throughout the night, Serbian mountains became white: The scenes are like a fairytale, but the roads are…
Telegraf 25.10.2018
The drivers who are headed over the mountain are advised caution. The rain that was falling in the evening in Zlatar area turned to snow around 21 PM, and the tallest top of the mountain Golo Brdo, which is at 1.627 meters above sea level, became… »
Broken utility poles and ripped cables, flying signs, the wind was blowing up to 70km/h in the south of Serbia: Strong storm…
Telegraf 25.10.2018
The gusts of wind reached 70 km/h and they swept over Vranje. Strong storm and gusts of wind reaching 20m/s caught the area of Vranje and they inflicted a lot of damage. It was snowing throughout the night, Serbian mountains became white: The scenes are… »
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Sramota Skupštine Srbije: Milenko Jovanov snimljen kako pljuje poslanike dok traje tuča VIDEO
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Opozicija u Novom Sadu traži suspenziju policajaca za koje tvrde da su pretukli jednog od uhapšenih na protestu
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Brod pun turista potonuo u području prepunom ajkula! Oglasili se Seničić i ambasada Srbije u Kairu o brodolomu kod Egipta: "Čekamo još informacija..."
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