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Teen can't even use toilet on his own, but the state asks his mother to prove it every 2 years

Teen can't even use toilet on his own, but the state asks his mother to prove it every 2 years

Telegraf 12.08.2019
They go before a commission to prove over and over again that Mihajlo (16) has autism and Down syndrome. "I'm not afraid to die. I'm afraid of what will happen to my child when I'm gone." I will never forget when the mother of a child suffering from… »
Labor shortage hits Serbia in almost every sector: This is the list of most in-demand jobs

Labor shortage hits Serbia in almost every sector: This is the list of most in-demand jobs

Telegraf 12.08.2019
There is no sector of Serbia's economy that is not facing a labor shortage. Serbia is facing a labor shortage in all sectors, meaning that domestic employers lack anything from drivers, personal sports trainers, to engineers, says Serbian Association of… »

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