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The state of siege in Smederevo; They bring U.B. to court
B92 23.05.2024
In front of the Higher Court in Smederevo today, for the first time, at a preliminary hearing, U.B., accused of murdering nine people and wounding thirteen people in Mali Orašje and Dubona, will plead guilty or not. As reported by our reporters, the… »
How Naser Orić tortured and killed Serbs in Srebrenica: Civilians' eyes were gouged out, they were slaughtered
B92 23.05.2024
Yesterday in New York, in the organization of the UN Permanent Mission of the Republic of Serbia, a panel discussion "We speak because they cannot - voices that need to be heard" of witnesses and victims of the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, was held… »
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"Je: L' nekom loše?" Dačić demonstrirao kako radi uređaj za koji opozicija tvrdi da je bio "zvučni top" na protestu u Beogradu: Ova dva poseduje MUP (foto, video)
Blic pre 6 satijoš 35 povezanih

Prosvetari, studenti i deo radnika RTS-a protestovali ispred zgrade Javnog servisa, širom Srbije tišina i odavanje pošte za stradale u padu nadstrešnice
RTV pre 1 satjoš 31 povezana

Danas: Žandarm tvrdi da je više zvučnih topova bilo raspoređeno u subotu na protestu u Beogradu
Beta pre 10 satijoš 14 povezanih