U Škotskoj u junu istovremeno sneg, led i vatra
Vesti online 11.06.2018 | blic.rs, Vestionline
Pojedine delove Škotske juče je zahvatila snežna oluja koja je pogodila autoput nedaleko od mesta Danblejn.
Jedan od vozača na autoputu prekrivenim snegom bila je i Džudi Marej, majka čuvenog tenisera Endija Mareja. Pretty amazing image from A9 road near Blackford, #Scotland, U.K. yesterday afternoon. Huge #hailstorm affected the area. Large #hail was reported. Photo: @CSGordonCrossan #severeweather #extremeweather pic.twitter.com/KNmUWPi8Nm — WEATHER/ METEO WORLD (@StormchaserUKEU) June 10, 2018 Severe #hailstorm for the U.K. standards in Blackford,