Preminuo fotograf agencije EPA Srđan Sulejmanović
N1 Info 24.09.2020 | N1 Beograd

Fotograf agencije EPA i jedan od najboljih foto-reportera Srbije i regiona, Srđan Suki Sulejmanović preminuo je u 53. godini.
It is with the deepest regret that we inform you that our dear colleague and friend, Srdjan Suki, passed away today. Suki was one of the ‘founding fathers’ of epa and has been with us since 1993. Our thoughts are with his family and friends. Suki will leave a deep gap behind. Srđan Sulejmanović rođen je u Beogradu 1967. godine. Fotografijom je počeo da se bavi krajem osamdesetih. U agenciji EPA radio je od 1993. godine. Izveštavao je o