Deterioration of the “Covid” situation: Kon heard Vesic and does not want to be quiet

BizLife 23.02.2021  |  RTS
Deterioration of the “Covid” situation: Kon heard Vesic and does not want to be quiet

A member of the Crisis Staff says that deterioration of the epidemiological situation started at the end of January, but it is now even more visible. “We warned everyone, we said that extended weekend poses a risk, staying in various winter resorts, that one should keep one’s distance and everyone who go on holiday risk getting sick.

Even after the winter break, it was noticed that children who were on winter holiday brought the virus,” stated Doctor Kon. According to him, a major increase in the number of coronavirus patients among high school students is noticeable, so there are grounds for more severe measures, which will be decided at the session of the Crisis Staff on Wednesday. “There are more coronavirus patients in secondary schools than before, and this week there will be even more.

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