It’s not terrible, but it is a reason for concern: Number of infected children is increasing

BizLife 23.02.2021  |  Blic, Kurir
It’s not terrible, but it is a reason for concern: Number of infected children is increasing

The number of new cases of the coronavirus in Serbia has been growing for two weeks, while epidemiologists warn that the main peak can be expected this week, and the growing number of infected children is of particular concern.

The Head of the Children’s Clinic at the Clinical-Hospital Centre “Dr Dragisa Misovic”, Doctor Olivera Ostojic, says that there is a slight increase in the number of sick children who require hospitalization. “It is not such a terrible situation, we currently have nine children in the ward, but that number constantly varies. For example, ten days ago we had only three hospitalized patients, then that number suddenly jumped to 15 during the weekend before the

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