Pucnjava tokom racije u Minsku, ubijene dve osobe VIDEO
Nova 28.09.2021 | Autor:Tanjug
![Pucnjava tokom racije u Minsku, ubijene dve osobe VIDEO](https://nstatic.net/img/logo/s/nova.png)
Dve osobe su ubijene danas u Minsku tokom racije koju su izvele beloruske bezbednosne snage.
Beloruski bezbednjaci ubili su danas čoveka tokom racije u stambenom bloku u Minsku, saopštila je beloruska KGB služba. ❗UPD: The Name of the victim is Andrei Zeltser, 32 y.o. IT-Specialist from #Minsk. His friends recognized him on the video. Acc. to neighbors, Andrei lived w. his wife and their baby son. It is not known where the baby was at the time of the shooting. https://t.co/NPdm1gu9r5 https://t.co/I6AZP7wiD5 — Belarussische Diaspora in Österreich