BIRN’s big spin: Why it concealed evidence of Danas daily and Šarić gang collaboration

Kurir 07.03.2023
BIRN’s big spin: Why it concealed evidence of Danas daily and Šarić gang collaboration

The article by Birn titled " Kako je Šarić uređivao medije iz pritvorske ćelije: Kola na poklon za zaslužne novinare" (“How Šarić edited media outlets from his detention cell: Cars gifted to deserving reporters”) is a textbook example of an unprofessional treatment of facts, the topic, and the truth.

In it, BIRN aimed at tackling media corruption and the ties between the mafia and media workers, but it went about it entirely wrong and in a biased and dilettante fashion, even unwittingly hinting at itself being part of the ties to certain interest groups. What other explanation is there for the fact that BIRN acted deliberately and in an obviously calculated manner when it left out some crucial information which, had due journalistic diligence been implemented,

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