Serbia: IFJ demands president to investigate the killing of journalist Milan Pantić
Cenzolovka 31.10.2023

Ahead of the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists and following a visit from IFJ's president Dominique Pradalié to Serbia, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has joined its affiliates in demanding Serbian president Aleksandar Vučić to properly investigate the killing of journalist Milan Pantić. A society that lets journalists' killers and harassers walk free is not a democracy.
Aleksandar Vučić President of Serbia Mr President, Journalism is the only civilian occupation where significant numbers lose their lives as a result of systematic and deliberate acts. Serbia, as too many other countries around the world, is suffering from these acts. The only way to stop and prevent such acts is to find the murderers and their sponsors, arrest them and deliver them to national justice. We commemorated Slavko Curuvija’s killing, nearly 25 years ago,