Serbian Judge Sues KRIK Journalists for Publishing her Profile

Cenzolovka pre 26 dana  |  Zdravko Ljubas
Serbian Judge Sues KRIK Journalists for Publishing her Profile

A Belgrade judge and her husband have sued reporters of the Serbian investigative outlet and OCCRP partner KRIK for publishing her name and position in a database created in 2020 to enhance transparency within Serbia's judiciary and provide precise information to citizens about its functioning.

Unsplash “This is a direct hit, I guess for one reason only—to prevent us from working. They basically want to censor us,” KRIK’s editor-in-chief, Stevan Dojčinović, told OCCRP on Friday, commenting on what seems to be a typical case of a strategic lawsuit against public participation (SLAPP). Such lawsuits are designed to financially exhaust and intimidate newsrooms to deter them from reporting on individuals closely affiliated with the government or other topics

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