The trial of Uroš Blažić is being transferred to the District Prison in Belgrade

B92 pre 23 dana  |  Tanjug, Telegraf
The trial of Uroš Blažić is being transferred to the District Prison in Belgrade

The Supreme Court decided to move the trial of Uroš Blažić, accused of the massacre in the villages of Malo Orašje and Dubona, from the High Court in Smederevo to the courtroom of the District Prison in Belgrade.

It was decided that the preliminary hearing and the main trial in the case of the High Court in Smederevo will be held outside the area of ​​the High Court in Smederevo, in the courtroom of the High Court in Belgrade, in the District Prison, Tanjug was told in the Supreme Court. The preliminary hearing in this case was interrupted on May 23 when members of the families of the murdered reacted violently when Blažić and his father Radiša Blažić entered the courtroom.

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