Serbia Merkel will be the name of a migrant baby born in belgrade! Life of a migrant couple from Syria that rose whole world to it's feet
Telegraf 27.04.2016 | uk

- I want the child to be named Serbia Merkel, becasuse she was born in your country, where they provided us with welcome and any kind of help. The second part of the name is to honor the woman in which state we plan out future - said the father Jafar
Serbia Merkel, a desire of father Jafar, will be the name of the baby which was born three days ago in maternity hospital in Visegradska street. Baby and mother Razmia are well and they are expected to be released from hospital soon. THANK YOU, SERBIA! A migrant from Iraq delivered a baby boy in Leskovac, father in tears! – I want the child to be named Serbia Merkel, becasuse she was born in your country, where they provided us with welcome