Zašto je Hajdi Klum od supruga na poklon dobila komad Berlinskog zida

Nedeljnik 05.09.2019  |  Ana Mitić
Zašto je Hajdi Klum od supruga na poklon dobila komad Berlinskog zida

Foto Profimedia Hajdi Klum dobila je neobičan i poseban poklon mesec dana nakon venčanja od supruga, gitariste benda Tokio Hotel Toma Kaulica – komad Berlinskog zida.

View this post on Instagram Today a special gift from my husband arrived… a piece of the Berlin Wall that had separated East & West Berlin for 28 years. My husband was born behind the wall on the East Berlin side 4 weeks before it was torn down in 1989. This allowed him to grow up in a Germany that was unlike the country his own parents had grown up in… He was able to experience freedom and joy and creativity and art and hope. Every morning, I will look at this

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