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The rich cry sometimes, the poor all the time! Vedrana Rudan: 'Money is freedom and happiness! Doctors are heroes of my dreams'

The rich cry sometimes, the poor all the time! Vedrana Rudan: 'Money is freedom and happiness! Doctors are heroes of my dreams'

Kurir 27.04.2022
A month and a half ago, the news of Vedrana Rudan becoming half-blind after she had had Covid-19 spread all around the region. It was none other than this famous woman of letters that revealed this to the general public in a blog post that she had… »
Corona put us in our place! Dr Davidović: 'Serbian healthcare system proves better than systems in much richer countries'

Corona put us in our place! Dr Davidović: 'Serbian healthcare system proves better than systems in much richer countries'

Kurir 27.04.2022
"Before the pandemic, modern humans acted both irresponsibly and arrogantly towards their natural environment, other humans, even themselves. We behaved as if we were the lords of all around us, and then a very simple-structured virus, but one with great… »
German ambassador schieb writes for kurir: 'Truth first victim of war! Russia's war uses tanks, bombs, but also disinformation'

German ambassador schieb writes for kurir: 'Truth first victim of war! Russia's war uses tanks, bombs, but also disinformation'

Kurir 27.04.2022
It is a horrific thing that Russia's attack against Ukraine, which is a violation of international law, brought back five weeks ago the plague of war into Europe. In Mariupol, a city about the same distance from Belgrade as from Berlin, a great many more… »

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