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Blažić confessed to the crime: "I don't know what came over me"
B92 26.07.2024
Accused of mass murder, Uroš Blažić admitted that he killed nine and injured 12 people in the villages of Malo Orašje and Dubona on May 4, 2023. As the attorneys of the injured parties told the journalists, Blažić admitted that he is guilty and said… »
Drama in front of the prison because of Blažić: "You're not ashamed? Should we break down the door?"
B92 26.07.2024
The parents of those killed and wounded in the massacre in the villages of Malo Orašje and Dubona told reporters in front of the District Prison that the preliminary hearing for Uroš Blažić accused of mass murder had begun in the prison's courtroom… »
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Zvezda rutinski do trijumfa nad Monakom u gostima, Miler-Mekintajer i Petrušev doneli crveno-belima važnu pobedu
Danas pre 1 satjoš 4 povezane
„Mnogo sam preduzela da nešto promenim“: Ko je Ana Ferik Ivanovič, jedna od govornica na protestu u Beogradu?
Danas pre 6 satijoš 1 povezana
Miran Pogačar: Radićemo na tome da se protesti nastave i da se energija održi
Danas pre 1 satjoš 1 povezana