The Council did not adopt Jelisaveta's report about Telekom, but she keeps commenting on it.

Kurir 10.08.2020
The Council did not adopt Jelisaveta's report about Telekom, but she keeps commenting on it.

Four members did not vote for Vasilić's report, and it was returned to be amended. This, however, did not prevent her from stating data about the operation of the state-owned company. The interviewees of Kurir say she should have refrained from it.

A member of the Anti-Corruption Council Jelisaveta Vasilić did not wait for the report about Telekom’s operation to be completed, but weeks before, she began publicly criticising the operation of this company. When the report was completed, as she herself admitted, the Council did not adopt it, as four members of this body did not vote “in favour”. That is why the report was returned to be amended, but this did not stop Vasilić from continuing with negative

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