Through its media outlets, The United Group Is Attacking Telekom Over its Vigorous Growth

Kurir 10.08.2020
Through its media outlets, The United Group Is Attacking Telekom Over its Vigorous Growth

As revealed by Kurir, by reporting on Telekom's operation based on selective data, the United Group is attempting to weaken the state-owned company which over the past two years has become a serious competitor in the entire region. It is jeopardising it and preventing its further expansion in the market.

Through its N1 TV, the United Group continued to pursue a negative campaign against Telekom Serbia, about whose operation it presented to the public selective data, which could inflict a serious damage to it. The aim of the latest spread of malicious news in the N1 television programme and portal is, by all means, an attempt at eliminating healthy competition in the telecommunications field. As N1 is owned by the United Group, it may be concluded that the aim of

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