Violation of the Code: Kurir complained about N1 to the Press Council

Kurir 10.08.2020
Violation of the Code: Kurir complained about N1 to the Press Council

This media outlet published two statements of the United Group, its owner, in which it accuses our paper of being unprofessional; however, by publishing these statements, they are doing the very same thing they are groundlessly accusing us of.

In the course of days, through its media outlets, the powerful United Group has been pursuing a fierce campaign against Kurir and Telekom Serbia. Its striking force is the N1 television, which has in its reporting violated the Code of Journalists of Serbia several times. Kurir therefore complained about the N1 portal to the Press Council, also because this media outlet published two statements of its owner in which it is groundlessly accusing Kurir of being

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