The saddest story from the bus of death: Lubomir died, because his wife Marija is afraid of flying!
Telegraf 25.06.2016 |

- Around ten passengers were around the highway, ten more were around the buss. In that kind of situations, its the most important to know the number of injured people, what kind of injuries they have and where. I walked inside the bus through the roof because it was impossible from the front side - said Dr Sasa Ignjatijevic
Because of her fear of flying, Slovak Marija Ribarnik (60) insisted that her and her late husband Lubomir (62) return from Corfu island by bus. Her husband is among the killed in the horrible accident that happened on Tuesday near Aleksinac, when the bus with 29 tourists from Slovakia went off the road into the ditch and rolled over to the side, where 5 passengers lost their lives and 23 were injured. (DISTURBING FOOTAGE) Horrifying video of