People of Serbia have no reason to be afraid! Čadež: 'There will be no hunger in Serbia, we have enough basic foodstuff reserves!'
Kurir 18.05.2022

'Exporting our surpluses gives us security over the long haul, not just for this year, but for the next as well. It allows producers to sell their surpluses in foreign markets at good prices, earning in this way the funds that they will go on to invest in production'
The citizens of Serbia have no reason to be afraid that there won't be enough food, claims the President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia Marko Čadež. In his interview with Kurir, he explains that lifting the ban on exporting grains, flour, and oil will not lead to disruptions in the domestic market. "On the contrary, exporting surpluses gives us security over the long haul, not only for this year, but for the next as well. It allows producers to