Ogroman požar u Njujorku: Automobili gore u garaži šoping centra, povređeno više od 20 osoba (VIDEO)
Alo 17.09.2018 | Alo.rs/M.Ž.

Drama u Velikoj jabuci!
Najmanje 21 osoba je danas povređena u požaru koji je izbio na parkingu šoping centra "Kings Plaza" u Njujorku. BREAKING VIDEO: Fire at Kings Plaza shopping center in New York City is now a 6 alarm. Multiple marine units have been requested to try and fight the blaze from the water. pic.twitter.com/eZ8Z6zpBFL — TheAnonJournal (@TAPAlerts) September 17, 2018 BREAKING VIDEO: Fire at Kings Plaza shopping center in New York City is now a 6 alarm.