Six years since the greatest massacre in Serbia: Ljubisa got up early at dawn and he started killing around the village, 13 people died

Telegraf 09.04.2019
Six years since the greatest massacre in Serbia: Ljubisa got up early at dawn and he started killing around the village, 13…

It was around 5 AM when the bloody carnage began

Six years have passed since the greatest massacre that happened in Serbia. On this day, Ljubisa Bogdanovic in the village Velika Ivanca near Mladenovac killed 13 people in cold blood, even his own son and mother. He mysteriously disappeared: Bojan Ugrenovic from Kraljevo was charged for the murder of a man in Ohrid, and his sentence has been cut in half It was around 5 AM when the bloody carnage began. Most of the villagers were sleeping in

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