Povezane vesti
Pristina doesn’t want to normalize relations, Serbian official says
N1 Info 28.12.2018
Serbian government Office For Kosovo chief Marko Djuric said on Friday that Pristina’s decision to extend the 100 percent tariffs to foreign brand goods made in Serbia shows that it is not truthful when it says that it wants to normalize relations and… »
Kosovo government extends tarrifs to foreign companies in Serbia
N1 Info 28.12.2018
The Kosovo government has decided to impose its 100 percent tariffs on foreign brands made in Serbia, the Serbian state TV (RTS) said on Friday. The decision to extend the tariffs to all products made in Serbia was taken at a cabinet meeting earlier in… »
Ambassadors tell Kosovo officials to suspend tariffs
N1 Info 28.12.2018
Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj and other officials in Pristina have been told by the ambassadors of the five that Serbia and Kosovo should agree a truce and try to reach an agreement in the first half of 2019, Pristina daily Koha Ditore reported on… »
Protest against local SNS authorites in southern Serbia
N1 Info 28.12.2018
Several hundred people took part in a protest march against the local authorities in the southern Serbian town of Kursumlija on Thursday evening, the Beta news agency reported on Friday. The local authorities in that town are in the hands of President… »
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Studenti iz Kragujevca danas trče do Beograda, doček ispred Hrama Svetog Save: Kako će izgledati štafetni maraton
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„Došlo je na naplat(n)u“: Studenti i građani iz Niša krenuli na celodnevnu blokadu, ne sprečava ih ni temeperatura koja je u minusu
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uživo Izbori na Kosovu i Metohiji: Do 11 časova glasalo 8,53 odsto upisanih birača
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Pao sa zgrade u školsko dvorište, preminuo na licu mesta: Užas na Vračaru, istraga u toku
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